TikTok like any other social media is based on user’s approval and engagement. In order to get more followers, more views, and engagements on TikTok, you should know how and when to share your posts, the type of content to include in your posts and when it is best to buy TikTok followers to boost your profile. In this article, we are talking about the timeline that matters most in sharing your post.

The author is not telling you that “Come on! Step on posting”! Nor is telling you to be careful about wasting the time! These are important too, but the key point in recognizing the best time to post on TikTokis to find your special local time that your followers are online and using the app. Then in this case time is money.

How do we find out the golden time our followers get online?

As a matter of fact TikTok’s users are widespread around the world, and you as an influencer must be aware of your golden time zone to post on TikTok. Are your followers Chinese people? Then you must define when Chinese people are using TikTok the most.

These are golden time! But how do we understand what time do they get online on TikTok? As before we said, there are differences among countries and people around the world. There are some tips to determine the best time to post on TikTok follow in continue.

identify the proper time to post on tiktok

1. Create a Pro account to have analyzing tool

TikTok includes a tool called Analytics, which can determine the number of your followers, their gender and countries. However, this feature is only available in its Pro account version. If you really want to get more follower on TikTok, we suggest you to upgrade your account to a Pro one. Then you can properlyuse the features of the TikTok Analytics tool.
Here we briefly describe the steps for creating a Pro TikTok account:

  • There is an option in the top right of your profile page. Select it and enter the Manage my account section.
  • In the Manage my account section, select the Switch to Pro account option.
  • Then determine your business type.
  • After completing these steps, your regular TikTok account will be changed to a Pro account.
  • Use the Analytics section
what is the best time to post on TikTok

As you see Pro Account Analytics section of TikTok has three sub-categories:

  • Summary
  • Content
  • Followers

In the follower section, you can see and monitor the growth rate of your followers, their countries of residence, and their activities (for example, the type of videos your followers are watching the most). If you pay attention to the time that users joined your page, you will find out the best time to post and the kind of contents your audiences like the most. Be sure to use this information to generate content and share it in the best time on TikTok.

2. The best time to upload a video on TikTok based on audiences local time zone!

The sub-section of the user’s country of residence will help you to determine the residential country of the audience, and their time zone to set your golden time. This feature is very important in choosing the best time for posting on TikTok. For example, suppose you are in China and a large number of your followers live in London. London’s time differs around 6 hours with China.

You should share your posts according to the time zone of your audience in London, by considering the daily time they get active on social media (for example, in the evening or when they are not at work or school). It may be the sometimes the time that you usually go to bed! So, if it is necessary, there is no choice and you have to change your routine and habits.

best time to share content on tiktok

3. Find out the golden days and daily hours your followers spend time on TikTok the most

The TikTok Analytics tool may not be easy as a piece of cake, but it’s very beneficial and advantageous. By using its features, you’re able to determine the daily activity time of your audiences, to maximize your video production in those times.

global activity time zone on tiktok

In general, the global best times to post on TikTok are 6 to 10 in the morning, and 7 to 11 in the evening, (Times that working issues hav not occurred or may have passed), according to a conducted study of more than 100,00 posts, simply to answer the question: “What is the best time to post on TikTok?”

There is a section in the followers of the analytics tool, called Followers Activity. In this section, you can find the hours and days of the week your audiences are most active on TikTok and have visited your account too.

Don’t forget to turn your audience’s activity time into the their local time zone

As TikTok time is based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), you need to adapt your activities according to local hours that your followers show the most engagements to the SM. If you have an account on any other social media (such as Instagram and Facebook) use them to find the best time to post on TikTok by reviewing the timeline of your follower’s activities around the world.

4. You may have to Evaluate your content production

Another vital point in getting likes on TikTok beside identifying the best time to share content on tiktok, is to evaluate your content posts quality. Do not ignore it. It might be boring, but it is valuable and as I said before somehow vital. In the Analytics tool and in the content subset, you can see the performance of your posts that have been shared in the last 7 days.

For example, if you click on one of your videos in this subcategory, you can see the data on the performance of your posts (such as the total number of visitors, the average of most visits, the largest number of visitor’s local time, and the location of your visitors). To determine the best posting time, first of all look at the overall performance of your post and how many likes and comments it gets and how much it has been shared. This will help you determine thelocal time you’re up to find.

  • If you find it difficult to know all the factors mentioned in this section by your heart, write the information on a piece of paper. It can be helpful in exploring the best time to share your media on TikTok.

Spare a hard copy of notebook just for writing down this data .Pay attention to any of the items and write the data related to them in front of each.

  • likes
  • comments
  • Users who shared the video
  • Total video playback time
  • Total number of video viewers
  • Visitor traffic source
  • The total amount of audience that visited the video
  • Countries of the audience


All the factors and criteria mentioned in this article can help you determine the best time to post on TikTok or on any other social medias. Using analytics tool and checking for the data can sound a little difficult, but the results are valuable enough to spend time for it. While you share high quality content based on your audiences appetite, there is still necessary that they get seen by your followers to become famous on TikTok. If you needed any consultation or help in boosting your TikTok account organically, You can also use reviews on Instamber TikTok bot to increase your engagement with other users.


Social media, business, and Tech. writer. I use my skills, relationships and passion to create the content that helps.

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