Instagram line breaks are not something very special but, it seems that using them is also hard to understand. Lately, statics have shown that there are about 14K searches for the term “how to do Instagram line break” on Google each month. So, how we can create an Instagram line break, and how we can use Instagram line breaks to make our posts more attractive?

What is a Line Break?

A line break is a space that you use between the two lines of a texts while writing. Line breaks are one of the most important editing rules that should be followed in any kind of text. A line break can include punctuation, writing symbols or emojis.

Surely you all know that it is very important to follow the editing points in the writing. Observing the writing and editing tips will make your text look more artistic and influential. Line breaks do not mean that you’re going to end a line, but instead, they are considered as the beginning of another text. One of the principles of correct writing that makes the writing more emphatic is observing the distance between the lines. Unfortunately, in the captions and comments on Instagram, this space is small, and if you shift between lines several times while typing, these spaces will be automatically removed and the texts of each line will be close together again. Fortunately, there is a very simple solution to bypass Instagram. So don’t miss the rest of the article to learn about this interesting trick.

How to do Line Break on Instagram?

The easiest way to create an Instagram line break is to type your text in any other text-capable app and then copy the whole thing into Instagram. Don’t type your desired text directly inside the Instagram application!

For instance, use the Facebook application (both for Android and iOS) and write your text in its Update Status section. You can also create your desired spaces while typing. Then copy and paste the selected text into the desired text field.

When your post or comment is published, you will see that your text will be displayed exactly as you typed it on Facebook or any other program. You can also use many other applications for this purpose, but without a doubt, the most convenient one is the default messenger of Android or iOS or your phone’s Note app.

To use this method, not all applications work for all users, and it is better to test several applications yourself and choose the best one.

What are free tools to do line Beak on Instagram?

One of the most popular and easy tools for making good captions or Bios for Instagram with a correct use of line breaks is the Instagram line break generator. You can write your text in the generator and then make a copy of it and use it for your posts or comments on Instagram. With using a line break generator you can avoid any deletion by Instagram for your text. Instagram line break generator is free and you can find it by just searching on google.

What are the basic structures for writing a text on Instagram?

In addition, you need to be aware of some basic instructions for writing captions on Instagram so that you don’t face any problems. These points are as follows:

  • -If you have typed several separator lines in your text, Instagram will automatically convert them into one line.
  • -Some characters such as -, $, %, and others cause all spaces between lines to be deleted.
  • -Hashtags support separator lines and you can easily type each of your hashtags on a separate line without sticking them together.
  • -You can also use these lines in the comments and biography of your page.
  • -Instagram caption text length limit is 2200 characters and as it is known, each space counts as one character.
  • -Comments support a maximum of 240 characters, and of course, you can continue your text in subsequent comments by writing the sign (…).

Is there any limit for using line breaks?

There is no limit on the number of line breaks you can use in a text but you shoulder consider the fact that Instagram doesn’t support large open spaces or line breaks without any character. If you write your caption using more than one line break without any character, Instagram will automatically delete your extra line breaks and will join your caption lines together.


Line breaks in your Instagram captions make your posts much more beautiful and understandable. So now that you have got familiar with using the Instagram line breaks and you know the rules, try to use it for better communication.


I am passionate about creating captivating digital content with a focus on technology and social media.

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