Today, Instagram has more than a billion followers, and many people use Instagram to earn money. Increasing Instagram followers is one of the concerns of many businesses. To boost your online business, you need to attract more followers. But what should you do to increase real followers on Instagram?

How to grow your first 1K followers on Instagram?

The fact is that it takes time to get real followers on Instagram. However, there are a number of ways people use to show a fake number (their followers I mean), for any reason. May be they need others trust them as a business, or to show off as a blogger or any other reasons.

You should know that there is no way to get 1000 real followers, unless you are a celebrity or your Instagram account is linked to a page with millions of followers.

So, how to get 1K followers fast?

Here I would mention a few ways you can try but you should note that some of them are not really acceptable by Instagram itself, and they may disable your Instagram account forever.

  1. Advertise your account

You can contact a number of Instagram account to get mentioned in their stories or posts. This way They followers will come to you soon and follow you. However,

Use quality and attractive images

Don’t worry! You don’t need professional cameras or expensive equipment to take quality photos; your phone camera is enough. Just try to work with its settings to make your photo more attractive by adjusting options such as light or focus and using filters.

Try to write a catchy caption

Two essential factors for attracting users and increasing followers are images and captions. We explained the importance of images in the previous section, and you should not ignore the matter of the words you write in your caption.

Image captions are the best place to increase audience engagement and also try to attract followers. The sentences and the language you use to write the caption should be such that it leads the audience to follow you.

If the users enjoy what they see and read, they are more likely to follow your page.

Have a stable and unique style for yourself

As you know, the number of your competitors will increase due to the large number of Instagram users. You have to come up with ways to get ahead of your competitors. One of these ways is to have a unique style. Users follow you for your future content, and you should meet these expectations continuously. Making a unique style will make you stand out from your competitors, and users will recognize your brand by seeing your posts with their unique style.

Use appropriate hashtags in your post

Using hashtags is the best way for users to find your posts. People who are trying to get followers may think that more hashtags equals more followers. This notion is wrong. Many experts in this field consider the number of 5 to 11 hashtags appropriate. Hashtags must be relevant to the content of the post. Do not use irrelevant hashtags because this is annoying for users and will have a negative impact on your page.

Don’t forget to complete your Instagram bio

The profile and bio of your Instagram page is the first thing that your audience sees. A shopkeeper tries to make the shop window more beautiful to attract more customers. Your profile is the same as a shop window. So try to write your bio text somehow, the user is encouraged to follow you. By reading your Instagram bio, users will understand who you are and what the content of your page is about. You can use this section for marketing, placing website URLs and business links, and as a tool to attract followers. Try to write a catchy bio to attract followers. How to make the page bio more attractive?

  • Use hashtags related to your page activity so that people can find you.
  • If you have a website, you can include your website URL in your bio.
  • Use the best words to describe yourself and your business. Use as few spaces as possible.
  • You can also use emojis to convey emotions to page visitors.

Use Call to Action to increase people’s engagement

A Call to Action is a way to encourage users to do something. For example, you ask them a question and want them to answer it in the comments. Or you want them to follow your page. Pay attention that if the number of your likes and comments increases, the probability that your post will be seen by more people increases too.

Collaborate with influencers

One of the ways to increase followers is to ask an influencer to promote your page or give their opinion about your product or service. It is win-win cooperation for both parties. You will reach the goal of increasing your followers, and the influencer will get money.

Try to attract quality followers

What are the benefits of followers whose presence is not felt on your page? Dont focus only on increasing the number of your followers. You should look for followers who:

  • Like, comment, and share your posts with others.
  • Express their enjoyment of your content and appreciate it.
  • Be loyal to you and become leads and customers after a while.
  • Help you increase followers.

Make great posts over time

Apart from the methods you can use to attract the audience, do not forget that you can’t keep the audience on the page without quality posts. You should know that it is important to keep posting consistently.

What are the characteristics of a good content on Instagram?

  • Your content should be related to the goals of your page and what your users need. In fact, your post should be useful for your followers.
  • Your posts should be varied and interesting. Don’t miss lives, contests, questions and fun content.

Stay in touch with related pages

Try to work with other related pages. See the pages that have many followers and are successful in your desired field. Talk to them to have mutual cooperation if possible.

For example, promote each other’s pages. If any of you shared a post, like and share the content. Increase your communication with related pages to gain users’ trust in your page.


I'm a writer on a mission to help businesses and brands find their voice, feel important and light up the world by delivering a real message.

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