Nowadays, job search platforms are considered to be important for business owners who need to recruit people for their businesses. Such platforms also help job seekers to find the job they like and offer them many opportunities.

When it comes to finding a job or maybe hiring someone on a job search platform, LinkedIn is considered one of the best of its kind out there. However, there are several competitors that are challenging LinkedIn’s position. In this blog post, we will go over the top 10 LinkedIn competitors in 2023, and talk about their features a little bit.

Top 10 LinkedIn Competitors in 2023

There are many similar job search platforms to LinkedIn out there, but they are not all serious competitors, that’s why we’re not going to cover them all in this blog post.

Here we’ve only provided 10 of the best LinkedIn competitors and what you see on the lists are in no particular order.

  1. Glassdoor

Glassdoor is not only a job search platform but it is also a reliable source that helps people to read reviews about a company they want to work at. Furthermore, it provides you with information about salary, people’s reviews and opinions, a company’s size, location the number of employees, etc.

It helps you to gain an insight into a company’s culture, and interview process. Employees who have already worked for a company also share their experiences on the platform. All of that make Glassdoor a unique job search engine that sets it apart from LinkedIn.

  • AngelList

AngelList mainly focuses on business sectors and startup companies. In AngelList you can apply for a job or if you have a company of your own you can find the right people to bring on board. You can also use AngelList as a fundraising platform.

Moreover, you can use it to get in touch with top investment syndicates and receive help and the money you need to start your business.

If you have thought about starting your own company or want to work for an up-and-coming business, you can use AngelList instead of Linkedin.

  • Monster

Unlike its name, Monster is a good job search website that helps both employers and job seekers. With many jobs offers available there, it has become an attractive option for people looking for an opportunity. Its advanced search filters and personalized job recommendation system have made it a strong competitor to LinkedIn.

  • Indeed

As a job search engine, Indeed helps job-seekers to be able to look for millions of jobs and find the one that they like most. Since there are so many different types of jobs there, it has become a trusted platform and also a rival to LinkedIn.

Indeed offers a range of powerful tools for creating your resume, personalizing job recommendations, and many more.

  • Xing

If you live in Europe, particularly in German-speaking countries, you can use Xing which is a popular professional network service there. Like LinkedIn, this platform also offers its users similar features such as creating their profiles, networking groups, writing a job posing, and many more. Xing’s great presence in the European market has made it a serious competitor to LinkedIn.

  • Meetup

It used to be a platform for organizing or attending virtual events, but now it is more than that. Nowadays it’s used as a professional networking platform. It helps professionals to find each other and share their thoughts on various topics and interests. Although the Meetup platform may not be a serious competitor to Linekdin, it is worth mentioning since it offers some fantastic features.

  • Handshake

Handshake also known as joinshake is a wonderful professional network service that is specifically designed for college students or students who have recently graduated. It is a great place for students and employers to find each other.

The platform provides internship and job opportunities based on students’ interests and likes. By doing an online search on Handshake, students can easily find a job particularly one that they are fond of. When it comes to finding a job or hiring a student for a job, Handshake is like no other platform.

  • WeWorked

WeWorked is an awesome professional networking platform and it is active in more than 120 countries. The platform helps freelancers and independent professionals to find jobs based on their abilities and skills. It also allows employers to find the right people for the business.

Users can showcase their work and find potential clients there. Generally speaking, WeWorked is a good place for freelancers, business owners, government contractors, etc.

  • Opportunity

This is yet another platform that both recruiters and job seekers can use to find the right people or jobs they are looking for. It works based on a matchmaking algorithm, so chances are that the platform will show people relevant job opportunities based on their interests.

The specific fractures that Opportunity offers its users have made the platform unique in its own way and also a competitor to LinkedIn.

  1. Viadeo

Last but not least is Viadeo which is based in France. In 2014 this professional social network had more than 65 million users. Now in 2023, its members are probably higher than that. Users compare Viadeo to LinkedIn all the time. In fact, this is a competitor to LinkedIn particularly in Europe and some people even consider it as the second largest of its kind after LinkedIn.

The platform has similar features to that of LinkedIn. These include creating a professional profile, building professional networking to get in touch with other users, searching for jobs, sharing your knowledge, thoughts, etc.

Although Viadeo may not be as famous as LinkedIn, it is a really cool place anyway, especially when it comes to searching for a job, hiring potential employees, and stuff like that.

Final thoughts

Without any doubt, LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for job searching and it helps both recruiters and jobseekers a lot. That being said, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there are no other platforms as good as LinkedIn. On the contrary, there are some similar platforms to LinkedIn or even better than LinkedIn, and we’ve covered some of them in this blog.


I am passionate about creating captivating digital content with a focus on technology and social media.

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