Music and life are inseparable, hence their tendency towards juxtaposition. As humans, we grow fond of music in the early stages of life. We enjoy music. We love it, so no wonder some businesses create platforms for sharing and promoting music. One of the well-known and operational examples of such platforms is “Spotify”. Today we devoted the latest Instamber blog topic to the question you asked: “How to promote music on Spotify“.

Probably you have heard of it or even used it before. In this article, we discuss Spotify, the few yet vital things about Spotify, and how to promote music on this platform.

What is Spotify – Why Promoting music on Spotify matters?

As a musician, knowing how to promote music on Spotify will give you a chance to grow your fans. Spotify is a music streaming & sharing platform. People started using this platform since 2006 to listen to freshly published songs, podcasts, music-videos or to find old yet golden songs, create playlists, and music archives.

Spotify is a digital music, podcast, or video streaming service that allows over 200 million of its users to have access to the online updating archive consisting of different musicians tracks around the world.

You’ll find almost every song that rings a bell in your head if you dig Spotify archives for it! Spotify soon transformed into a place for musicians to be heard and known. As a musician, it’s a blessing to promote your music on a platform like Spotify which has more than 90 million paying subscribers. Using the appropriate Spotify promotion services may help you promote your music on Spotify in the right way and may lead you to boost your fans & listeners.

Why Promoting music on Spotify matters?

How to promote music on Spotify?

There are loads and loads of people around the world, who love music, and also loads and loads of people who create music. Most of them know and use Spotify regularly to share their music or listen to what they want.

You might think that no one will pay attention to you as a newborn artist in that crowded place! I assure you, you can get your voice heard and get your art seen, while you can also find your fans if you follow the rules. Here we provide some tips on getting more fans and listeners on Spotify. Some of the best features of Spotify are still free, but for more and professional uses, you must pay for a subscription, this is why when people search for the best ways to promote music on Spotify, it is advised to have a full professional account on this platform first.

use Spotify regularly to share their music

Step by Step to promote music on Spotify

Authentication and having big hands are vital in the world of entertainment and art for artists in any field. One of the good-for-you-vitamins for being authentic and leading a powerful existence on social media like Spotify is creating a professional account on them. In other words, your Spotify account must feature certain items and to foster your authenticity.

Actually, by featuring these items, you are going to make yourself recognizable as a musician, promoting your music tracks on Spotify, and people will be more willing to know you and listen to your music on it. When you have a blue authentication tick on your profile, some other Spotify authentication mechanisms will be activated for you that are also discussed in this article.

Step by Step to promote music on Spotify

1. Make yourself recognizable as an artist – first step to promote music on Spotify

So far, we have realized that having big hands, a good name, and fame as an artist and being authentic are vital on social media and platforms like Spotify. When you complete the validation process on your Spotify profile, a blue tick will appear on your account. This authentication mechanism on Spotify also gives you other features. You can highlight yourself and your music by:

  • Picking a neat attractive profile picture
  • Writing a comprehensive accurate bio on your profile forehead
  • Getting views and visitors for your music tracks

Getting validated by Spotify gives you features you can use professionally

  • You can upload and publish your songs and albums on the platform.
  • You can announce the time and location of your next concert to your fans.
  • You can set specific pictures and designs for your songs on the platform.

How long does it take to get your Spotify account validated?

Whether you are a singer or a singer’s program manager, after registration on Spotify you need to select the “Claim Your Profile” option in the Artists section on Spotify. On the next page, select your name and the type of activity, i.e. singer, program manager, etc. Then, Spotify will ask you to log in to your account again and answer a few questions. After answering them, it will take a few days for your blue tick to appear on your Spotify account.

How long does it take to get your Spotify account validated?

2. Choose a fascinating name & Cover photo for your account

The music you produce and the songs you listen to can reflect your personal tastes and interests. If you want to connect with your fans and followers and make your relationship deeper, you have to create your Spotify playlist based on their personal tastes and interests too. A proper name & cover photo is the first insight any audience may get attracted to.

  • Obviously, you should not upload photos that violate copyright law or belong to other brands or other people.
Choose a fascinating name & Cover photo for your account

3. Take advantage of your other Social Media accounts by using the same ID

Social media are designed based on communications among people. We suggest that you take advantage of these opportunities on Spotify. You may ask how! Well, it means you should connect with people and know them. Share the music you like, and get on with people.

We suggest you using the same id on Spotify as other SM platforms like FB, Instagram, or TikTok. When people consider you as an attractive sociable artist, they will be more enthusiastic to hear about what you release, & this makes them be aware of your latest news anywhere on Social Media, Nevertheless you can ask your followers on other platforms to follow you here too.

Take advantage of your other Social Media accounts by using the same ID

4. Astonish people by your song list that you promote on Spotify

How to find an idea for creating playlists on Spotify? It’s not difficult at all. The first hurdle is detecting people’s moods. Some days people bombard you with bad news and are gloomy. You can share music related to their moods. It can be in line with their mood or totally different. You must decide what is the best choice depending on the situation.

A catchy name for a playlist on Spotify may be another delicate creativity, It’s obvious that the playlist must have an attractive name to stick in people’s minds. So avoid ordinary names. The name you choose must represent the idea behind your playlist. You convince people by a creative name to follow you.

Astonish people by your song list that you promote on Spotify

5. Actively update your playlist on Spotify

In order to overtake your competitors, you have to update your song list based on a schedule. The music world is expanding second by second & you will be forgotten simply if you stop creating new song tracks, without considering the fact that are you popular enough or not. Fans & audiences shift to other choices if they don’t hear from you for a while. Moreover, this may build a conclusion in the minds of the public to define you as a mediocre artist who was only a one-hit-wonder.

Indeed as a musician, you look for ways to promote your music on Spotify more & more effectively. Aside from the issues mentioned in the previous paragraph, you should notice that the algorithms of Spotify also pay attention to the fact that how active an artist is.

Very similar to TikTok & Instagram, Consistency in releasing new song tracks on your playlist is the key point to get more engagements on your pieces of music. Promoting music on Spotify actively based on your fans’ mood may bring you loyal listeners that share your tracks voluntarily.

Actively update your playlist on Spotify

6. Collaborate with other artists on Spotify

Working with another artist is one of the most obvious and best ways to connect with them. Of course, you may still be at the beginning of your journey and you may not have the confidence to do it yet. However, one of the reasons for designing this platform is to facilitate cooperation among musicians, making this opportunity for a young artist to make effective engagements for better music promotion on Spotify.

Collaborating with other musicians helps you in promoting your music on Spotify in different ways; getting exposed to a bigger circle of fans, appearing in new playlists created by featured artists you cooperate with, & having the opportunities to have new listeners make this situation a win-win condition for both of you.

Collaborate with other artists on Spotify

7. Advertise your music through Spotify advertising studio

We’ve talked about the use of other social media for advertising, playing live music, or creating blogs and websites. Now it’s time to talk about “Spotify advertising studio” and its potential use. In the next part of this article, we’ll take a brief look at this advertising mechanism and point out some of its features.

  • What is the Spotify advertising studio?

Spotify has its own advertising mechanism that allows users to create their own audio ads directly, helping them to promote music on Spotify. The mechanism is easy to use and you will start after spending $ 250 (however it varies by the country of the user). You can enter this section with your Spotify personal account, but it is highly recommended to create another business account and enter the Spotify Advertising Studio with it. By doing this, other members of your team can also access the advertising studio either.

  • Self-ads-recording for music promotion on Spotify

It’s enough to send the ad’s text to the studio as they will record your ads themselves. You have just 3 seconds to catch the audience’s attention with your ad. Be careful to include your music genre in it. Also, your promotional plan should be appropriate for your audience’s age.

  • Advertise based on the targeted audience

We’ve already discussed the importance and value of knowing your audience. It also works in the state of designing an advertisement plan. Don’t try to design your ads according to everyone’s taste. If you address a specific group of people and design your ads according to their tastes, your chances of getting loyal followers and fans will increase.

Valuing the audience’s taste while promoting a soundtrack on Spotify is concentrating on the interests of our targeted audience, hence this can be very important in quickly attracting followers.

If you want to include the age and gender of your audience in your ads and music, we recommend you to use the Audience Insights tool on Facebook. For example, the tool might show you that the fan gender of a song is mostly male and their age group is between 25 to 34 years old, making the path of the decision-making process more clear.

  • Ads performance report for optimizing music promotion on Spotify

During your advertising campaign, Advertising Studio offers many criteria for evaluating the performance of the ad to optimize the music promotion on Spotify. Some of the items are mentioned in the following:

  • The number of times your ad has been clicked by users.
  • A total number of times your ads have been seen by users.
  • Your ads impact (the number of celebrities on Spotify who have heard your ads.)

Reviewing these metrics is definitely good for your performance in promoting music on Spotify, but never forget about your new followers and adding songs to your playlists. These factors are important in the long-term development of your art project brand on Spotify.

Ads performance report for optimizing music promotion on Spotify

How to promote music on Spotify? Consider the following parameters!

1. Popularity

In the first steps, the number of people who follow you on Spotify somehow shows your popularity. But don’t rely on the factor of followers, because people easily forget about you if you don’t know how to be alive in their hearts and remain in their minds!

Being popular and having a huge number of followers are parts of authenticity on social media but it’s not everything. It’s a kind of the beginning; This is one of the fundamentals we have to be familiar with.

2. Online performing of music on Spotify

Spotify has a great option for musicians. They can perform live playing of music for their audience. Spotify will pay musicians for each live performance. However, it is not a huge amount of money. Every view is worthy, so pay attention to the quality of your online performances on Spotify.

It can raise your income from playing live on Spotify, nevertheless, the idea of promoting music on Spotify is directly affected by the average engagement of your account. The live performing of music can obviously empower the average likes & views intake of your Spotify account!

3. Always check the top music trends

This item is important as you can explore the feedbacks from it. In other words, by analyzing this part you will find out which songs were more popular and which ones were not. By the “Trending Songs” section in Spotify, you can find out which one of your songs was the most popular and most listened to.

This section shows you your top 10 songs that people like more. The “Trending Songs” section of Spotify helps you evaluate your list based on what people liked more, and you can change or improve your strategy.

How to promote music on Spotify - Consider the following parameters!

If you want to expand your audience on Spotify, here are some tips:

  • Your profile info and a few professional contents are not enough to increase your audience. Also, don’t expect sharing your Spotify account link on other social media to bring you loads of attention. You must follow some fundamental procedures but please be realistic and keep trying strategically.
  • Use the Algorithm of Spotify to recognize your audience, before starting to promote your music on Spotify or before making a playlist on it.
  • Please share more songs continually on your own Spotify playlist. These activities help Spotify know you as a professional user, and it will increasingly show your songs to others.
  • According to Spotify statistics, most Spotify users are aged between 18 to 35 years. Therefore, you can create a list of your songs and ideas to suit the tastes of this age group.
  • The “Listeners Also Like” is another indicator that shows the music that is similar to yours and people that listen to them. But this feature will not be activated unless the traffic of your profile visitors reaches a certain desirable level.
  • Another section, which helps you recognize the audience’s personality, is the “Top Countries” section. This feature can be the most interesting one. The index shows a list of countries of users who listened to your music most. Working on the personality of your audience is really amusing and attractive, because you may have some dedicated fans in countries with very different languages and cultures that love your music, which you have to keep in your mind while planning to promote music on Spotify.
If you want to expand your audience on Spotify, here are some tips

Needing to promote your Spotify account? Visit us in Instamber

We reached the end of today’s topic about promoting music on Spotify, Our main mission in Instamber is to make opportunities for talented artists to be heard more. We want to expand the reach of producers by presenting their music through Spotify playlists. No matter which type of music you do play, we help you to promote your Spotify account organically. If you needed to promote Spotify plays trust or new services in Instamber.


Social media, business, and Tech. writer. I use my skills, relationships and passion to create the content that helps.

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